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Movie | The Secret Garden | Indian Lake Theater | December 29

  • Indian Lake Theater 6311 New York 30 Indian Lake, NY, 12842 United States (map)

Watch “The Secret Garden” at Indian Lake Theater

Enjoy the 4th installment of the Dame Maggie Smith Movie Festival.

Secret Garden movie at Indian Lake Theater.

“The Secret Garden” is an enchanting movie for all ages.

The Indian Lake Theater is wrapping up its film festival dedicated to the esteemed British actress Dame Maggie Smith with a screening of “The Secret Garden” (1993).

The story follows a young British girl born and raised in India. After losing her neglectful parents in an earthquake, she is sent back to England to live with her uncle, Archibald Craven, on his estate. He is emotionally distant, still grieving the loss of his wife from ten years prior.

Feeling neglected again, she explores the estate and stumbles upon a locked and abandoned garden. With the help of one of the servant's brothers, she begins to restore the garden and ultimately uncovers more secrets about the manor.

Esteemed film critic Roger Ebert said of the movie, “It is a work of beauty, poetry and deep mystery, and watching it is like entering for a time into a closed world where one’s destiny may be discovered.”

Visit Indian Lake Theater’s website and Facebook page for more details.

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