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Can-Am Rugby Tournament | Saranac Lake | July 25-27, 2025

  • Can-Am Rugby Tournament Saranac Lake, NY United States (map)

Save the Date! World-Class Rugby in Saranac Lake

The Can-Am Rugby Tournament returns to the the Adirondacks in 2025.

Can-Am Rugby Tournament 2025

Photo courtesy Can-Am Rugby

Get ready for the ultimate rugby showdown. The 2025 Can-Am Tournament is a force to be reckoned with within the rugby world. Taking place July 25 to 27, 2025, in Saranac Lake and Lake Placid in the Adirondacks, this is an event sports fans won’t want to miss.

Considered one of the largest and best-run rugby events in the world.

The Can-Am Tournament was first established by the Mountaineers Rugby Club in 1973, and 2025 marks its 51st anniversary. The inaugural event featured eight teams, which quickly doubled in size. Today, the tournament has become a cherished mid-summer tradition, with over 100 teams from across the country converging on the Adirondacks.

Spectators have many matches to choose from, with men's and women’s teams, the unisex Quad Rugby Cup Match, and brackets for college, social or premier clubs. The player age ranges go right up to the over-sixties.

Mark your calendar and experience this unforgettable rugby event in the beautiful Adirondacks.

An action-packed weekend on and off the field.

Organizers say this year’s Rugby Weekend will buzz with energy, both on and off the pitches. Spectators can expect the same fast and physical action on the twelve pitches in Saranac Lake and Lake Placid this year and off-the-pitch entertainment courtesy of new sponsors all weekend.

Planned features include entertainment, food, beverages, and more every weekend in Riverside Park. From concerts to family fun at the Can-Am Carnival.

Giving back to the Tri-Lake & High Peaks communities.

The mission of the Can-Am Rugby Tournament is to give back to the community that hosts the fantastic three-day rugby tournament with open arms. To show their appreciation, Tournament organizers created yearly scholarships at local high schools and colleges: Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake, Lake Placid High Schools, North Country Community College, and Paul Smith's College.

At 51 years old, the Saranac Lake Can-Am Rugby tournament has become part of our history and tradition. Woven into our summers is the largest 15’s rugby tournament in North America. This event provides athletes, families, and spectators a once-in-a-lifetime experience to ‘live’ rugby for three full days...right here in our beloved village.
— Jimmy Williams, Saranac Lake Mayor

The scholarships are awarded based on financial need, community service, character, and involvement in athletics.

In addition to the scholarships awarded each year, the tournament financially supports our local youth sports teams. They provide financial support to Pee Wee Hockey, the high school football program, Little League, youth basketball, baseball, high school rugby, and the Saranac Lake Summer Youth program, to name a few.

Looking to take part in the action?

For more information, visit the Can-Am Rugby Tournament website or Facebook page.

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