Update: Planning for the 2024 Solar Eclipse in the Adirondacks

Everything you’ve always wanted to know about the eclipse and were not afraid to ask.

By now, you’ve probably heard a lot about 2024’s total solar eclipse. A large part of the Adirondack Park will be in the “path of totality,” which means they will see the moon pass between the sun and Earth and completely block sunlight for up to 4 minutes.

It’s important to point out that while many places in the ADK are not 100% on the path of totality, most areas will experience a significant blockage of sunlight for a minute or more. So, pretty much wherever you are in the ADK, you will experience the eclipse.

You’ve got questions; we try to provide answers.

We’ve received a lot of questions about the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse, and while we admit we don’t have all the answers, we hope this helps.

Will the Total Solar Eclipse bring many visitors to the Adirondack region?

  • You bet your astrological sign it will. While no one can predict precisely how many people will visit, word on the street is that people in the ADK should anticipate a large influx of visitors (especially compared to the usual visitors in April).

  • Specifically, we should expect visitors from metropolitan areas like  NYC, Boston, Albany, and Philadelphia who are seeking out the perfect natural environment and landscape for viewing the eclipse.

  • While these are not official numbers at this time, lodging properties close to the center of the path of totality indicate an average occupancy of about 80%. This is significantly higher compared to the typical occupancy rate for early-mid April. 

  • The Adirondack Explorer recently reported a spike in hotel bookings during the Total Eclipse timeframe.

  • Bottom line: if you plan to attend, secure accommodations now if you don’t have them.

Any tips for hosting a great Eclipse Event?

Whether you are contemplating a public or private affair, don’t ignore the usual event planning considerations – venue capacity, parking, food and beverages, decor, necessary facilities, etc.

  • For a solar eclipse party, there are several other items to consider and plan for:

    • Provide solar viewing glasses for your event attendees. Having appropriate eye protection is de rigueur. Luckily, the good people at the ADK Sky Center are selling eclipse glasses.

    • Make sure no obstructions are blocking the view of the sun, which will be in the southwestern sky.

    • April weather in the Adirondacks can be unpredictable – we may have snow, water, mud, etc. Have a backup weather plan (or two) ready.

    • Event rentals and supplies will be in high demand, so lock down what you need in advance.

    • Don’t forget your neighbors – letting them know you’re hosting an event is a class act. Even better, invite them to participate.

    • If you have automatic lights on your home, garage, yard, etc., near your event site, be sure to turn them off so no light pollution interrupts your enjoyment of the eclipse.

  • Consider what makes your event different or stand out. There will be a lot of competition for events/activities – be unique and memorable.

  • Last but not least, make sure you have some background music playing. Check out our curated Total Solar Eclipse on Spotify.

So, what is it really like to be in the Path of Totality?

  • It’s much easier to show than tell. The video below offers an overview of people's experiences during the 2017 total solar eclipse.

How do I know if I’m on the path of Totality?

So, when does it all happen?

  • Where you are on the path of totality dictates precisely when and how long you will experience the total eclipse. Those closest to the center of the path will experience totality for over 3.5 minutes.

  • View your community's very cool time calculator at eclipse2024.org, and enter your town in the upper right corner.

Is there a one-stop shop for ADK Eclipse information?

  • In anticipation of this unique event, the state of NY has launched a new website, 2024-eclipse.com, to help connect residents and visitors with the most up-to-date information on watching the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse from the Adirondacks. 

  • This site will be updated frequently with the latest details, events, and resources as they become available.

I live and run a business in the ADK. What support is available to me?

  • To help guide solar eclipse planning, ROOST has formed an Eclipse ADK 2024 Task Force. Visit their website for more information.

  • The Eclipse ADK Task Force aims to develop and execute a unified strategy to prepare for the 2024 solar eclipse.

  • Members from varying backgrounds, sectors, and regions within the Adirondacks work together to provide residents and visitors with a safe and memorable viewing experience.

  • If you are interested in participating in the task force, contact eclipse@roostadk.com

ADK Taste is super-excited about the coming eclipse. We will endeavor to keep our community up-to-date on the latest news and information. Our one piece of advice right now is that if you plan to visit here and don’t have your accommodations locked down, do it now.


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