The Hunter’s Moon Rises Over the Adirondacks on Saturday, October 28, 2023.

Just in time for Halloween, we’ll see a beautiful, bright, full moon shining over the Adirondack Mountains this weekend.

The full hunter's moon in the Adirondacks

The Hunter's Moon is a natural phenomenon that occurs nearly every year in October. It is a full moon that appears in the sky and is named after the traditional time of year when hunters hunt for food to tide them over the winter months. This year, the Hunter's Moon will rise at 4:24 pm on Saturday, October 28th, east coast time.

This celestial event is a picturesque sight and is often a popular topic among skywatchers and nature enthusiasts. The Hunter's Moon is known for its vibrant orange-red color and large size, making it appear closer to the Earth than usual. It is also the first full moon after the autumnal equinox and has long been associated with the changing seasons.

The Hunter's Moon is an excellent opportunity to get outside and observe the Adirondack’s incredible natural beauty. Many people mark this occasion by going on nighttime hikes, perfecting their night photography skills, building a bonfire, or simply sitting outside and enjoying the view. This full moon is also a great time to reflect on the changing seasons and take stock of the year.

The moon is also perfectly timed with a variety of fall festivals and Halloween activities taking place this weekend.

Whether you're a seasoned skywatcher or simply looking for a fun activity to do with friends and family, the Hunter's Moon is a must-see event. So mark your calendars for October 28th and get ready to witness one of nature's most beautiful displays.


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