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First Day Hike - AIC to Santanoni Farm

  • Meet Up Point 5922 New York 28N Newcomb, NY, 12852 United States (map)

First Day Hike - Adirondack Interpretive Center to Santanoni Farm

The NYS Department of Conservation and NYS Parks Department are partnering to offer a series of hikes and snowshoe adventures across the ADK to ring in the New Year. Join them in Newcomb for a 5-mile snowshoe into Santanoni. Imagine the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel on just the very first day of 2023.

Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, contact

We would be remiss if we didn’t remind our readers that hiking in the winter is no joke. If you’ve never done it before, we urge you to read up and take all necessary precautions, like those recommended in this article.

Among the most basic tips experts advocate for are:

  • Dress to stay warm and dry - Staying dry is key when hiking in cold weather. Never wear cotton or jeans, as they will retain moisture and could potentially lead to hypothermia. Moisture-wicking materials such as wool, fleece, and synthetics will transport sweat away from the skin rather than holding it there. These materials will also dry faster. Wool socks will keep your feet comfortable, warm, and dry.

  • Bring extra layers

  • Pack food or at least a snack

  • Wear proper footwear and traction aids — Microspikes, crampons, and snowshoes are always recommended.

  • Use trekking poles for added support

  • Pack a map, compass, &/or GPS device — If you are relying on your cellphone, pack a backup battery

  • Tell someone about your plans even if you’re going with others


These are very basic tips. Even if you’ve hiked in winter before, read up and be prepared. You do not want to wind up a feature on the ADK Fun Police’s Insta feed

December 31

New Year’s Eve Torchlight Parade & Fireworks

January 1

First Day Hike - Hadley Mountain